Before Departure
We would like to make your travel worry free and memorable. For that we will try our best from our side. At the same time you should also prepare yourself beforehand so that it would be easier for us to communicate with you and make your travel easy. Before head off on your trip, please be sure that you have acknowledged following information, documents and requirements.
- You have accepted our terms and conditions
- Prepared passport and visa requirement documents
- You have gone through the trip itineraries in detail
- You have secure your travel insurance policy
- You have read our safety guidelines
- You have read out what to bring list for your travel activities
- You are fully aware of health related issues in your activities
- You have enough information about weather and travelling season of our destination country
- You have enough information about the geography, environment and country information
- You have clear idea about getting there from your country
- You have contact details of our company
- You have read our responsible travel guideline